19 feb. 2012

When I think about summer..

Vara trecuta am vizitat Verona.Normal,casa Juliettei nu putea fi omisa.Eram (si inca sunt) o naiva si o indragostita asa ca am decis sa ii las si eu o scrisoare despre DRAGOSTE. Ce dulcegarii,nu?
Dar am stat o noapte intreaga, am scris-o,am scris toate prostiile ce imi veneau in minte si am trimis-o.
Nu ma asteptam la vreun raspuns dar zilele trecute am descoperit scrisoarea in posta.
Mi-a raspuns,cu un scris elegant de mana mi-a scris cele mai frumoase cuvinte despre dragoste.
Si am ajuns sa cred fiecare cuvant din raspunsul ei.
Deci,uite ce am scris.

"Dear Juliet,
When I first entered the courtyard the walls completely covered in graffiti in many different languages mesmerized me. There were also messages I couldn’t understand a word. But I know that all those messages represent a declaration of LOVE.
I believe that there is no language for love. As well, love doesn’t need words express itself. Love is passion, happiness, faith, and emotions. It’s also pain, tears, and fear.
But all in one love is a very important part of our life. Do you agree with what I just wrote?

Now, I picture you at your balcony, on a beautiful summer night, a simple-minded young girl dreaming that someday, somehow she will end up with her beloved.
What a beautiful and peaceful frame that is…
As I read what I just wrote, I wonder: Where did passion go?
In our days, everything seems so vulgar, so careless…I don’t feel that true love anymore.
As Romeo comes to your balcony and declares his love for you, the words I will never forget “
I wish I were you. You tasted a piece of underestimated love.

As I write this letter I feel a little melancholy. I also dream of a Pure, Consuming Love,To experience feelings I had never known before.Must we really believe that dreams rarely become reality?
And if you love someone, but it doesn’t work, where does the love go?

Sincerely, Julia. "

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